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The mobile emitter

Work continues on the ECH at a good pace.  His dialogue and costuming options are almost done and soon the motion capture will begin. 

The biggest hurdle we're almost past is getting his "Mobile Emitter" to function the way we would like.  

The tolerances inside the display are very tight but there should be just enough room for a full sized PC. 

we're hoping to have the PSU and graphics card done in the next few days but it might just be too tight to actually work, in that case we'll try to find a smaller alternative. 

We'll keep at it and let you know once he's back on his feet!

Update: Success! 

It took a lot of blood sweat and tears, but the system is build and working properly!

He's been spending day continuously online to check his tracking and heat dissipation ability, passing all with flying colors. 

Work is continuing on the dialogue and logic loops, and like most Dragoncon goers is still working on his costume.  That is going well though so he's almost ready for his big weekend. 

Download (ECH) - Emergency Convention Hologram
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