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Changelog for 3.7

D&D 5e Ranger Rework V3.8
A downloadable rework

So, after some more playtesting and feedback I can say that this will be the final version until a new subclass is released or some new spells are added to the rangers spell list.

The core class received minor changes but they are the following:

Primeval Awareness
- Gave uses equal to your wisdom modifier but limited the information gathered to 1 piece per use. This way the Ranger isn't trying to learn one piece of info and just gets random other bits they don't need and allows for more updates on what they're looking for throughout the day.
Additionally a small piece was added to allow the Ranger to automatically learn of the location of their prey in the radius of their primeval awareness as it felt it was missing and was appropriate for the ability.

 Hunters Prey
- Nerfed the cunning eye usage of the feature for only the Rangers saving throws otherwise it would be too strong for such a feature, then buffed Acute Aim to work more in tandem with Advantageous Strike and allowing the Ranger to focus on their build rather than on how to gain advantage.

- A few spelling mistakes and clarity on phrasing


  • Ranger Rework Design Notes.pdf 7 MB
    Jul 08, 2022
  • Ranger Rework V3.7.pdf 21 MB
    Jul 30, 2022
Download D&D 5e Ranger Rework V3.8
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