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Update D.24 (Version 6)

Character Game
A downloadable game for Windows and macOS

When I worked in the video game development industry professionally I dunno if my passion and excitement was behind my work the same way it is now. I think when something becomes work it just becomes less fun for me. Even when you are working on things you love its still work. With the development of Character Game, it's been able to be strictly a passion project, and thats been super fun for me. To work on my game at my pace, when I feel like it, adding the features I want and so on. Over this summer I've been able to add a TON of new features. Not every time a new feature is added a new demo comes out... In fact more often then not things will get added and then removed before they ever even make it into the hands of the players! But here we are with another new build and lots of new things to play around with. Be warned though, I suspect LOTS OF BUGS will be throughout the game! Theres no guarantee all your progress will be saved through future versions either! But, now there are new public and private chat features, theres new mining and tree chopping mechanics. PVP area beyond the fence, lots of NPC's to chat with and buy / sell items to! Make money, and buy clothing items from the lady in the store! And hopefully it'll all be able to be a place where you can meet some friendly new faces online!


  • CharacterGame D.24(Mac).zip
    Jul 30, 2022
  • CharacterGame D.24(Win).zip 33 MB
    Jul 30, 2022
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