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Devlog#39-41: New demo and lots of improvement

Project: Yusha Prototype
A downloadable game for Windows

Hi, devlog time!

Some of you might notice that I updated game files one week ago...

Yeah....I forgot to write devlog about it, again

So, first thing that I noticed is I also forgot about the essential data for Linux version.....from the beginning

But that should be fixed in the newest file, hopefully

Now the first thing is the third boss, it's fully playable now, but the story cutscene for her isn't finished yet

Yes, she is tough, and she is not affected by difficulty setting as well

She will overheat due to some of her action, and after using some skill, she will also taunt you, those are the best chance to damage her

After she "feels" that she is about to overheat, she will try to block your attack

Other bosses' behavior are also changed a little bit, they should be a little bit smarter now

And there's a bug when she grabs you and overheat in the same time, you will get stuck

this will be fixed in the next update

And boss room is also different!

Now with the huge monitor, I could do some thing like "Free cell king head" or things like that

The speech bubble for boss is also changed

And last, I write a simple shader for the scanline effect

That's about it for the newest progress of this game, see you in the next devlog!


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