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Gameplay and Progression Revamp

Don't Die, Collect Loot
A browser game made in HTML5

Progression Re-vamp + Major Gameplay Update

This build completely re-writes the core gameplay loop! As always, let me know what you think in the comments.


  • Each region is now a single infinitely generated random level
  • Don't worry, each subset of the region is still handcrafted! No ugly procedural areas here
  • The player resets to level 1 upon entering a region, and levels up quickly while inside
  • Every level up allows you to select from a pool of class-specific, defensive, and offensive skills
  • Class-specific skills only appear if you have that skill equipped. For example, if you don't have Whirlwind equipped, you will not see the skill that boosts the area of effect for Whirlwind
  • In addition to regular XP, you also earn "Skill XP" while adventuring. Fill the Skill XP bar, gain a Skill Point! These are never lost and can still be spent on the skill tree as usual
  • Every time you reach a new tile in a region, you'll be awarded with Research
  • Research permanently grants various bonuses, such as skill points, experience gain rates, monster pack size, monster loot drop rates, etc. Check the research menu for more details!
  • At fixed intervals, you will encounter a special event. See the "Events" section for more details. Your progress towards the event is always displayed in the top right.
  • At fixed intervals, monsters will level up. Higher level monsters are stronger, but drop better loot and more experience! 
  • At certain levels, new monsters will start appearing
  • For now, only the Forest can be entered


  • Added "Shopkeeper" event. Encounter the shopkeeper inside the dungeon, and she'll give you a substantial discount
  • Added "Treasure" event. Loot a random treasure chest, it could contain experience, money, rare items, or extremely rarely, a forced unique item drop!
  • Added "??? Treasure" event. You'll have to see what that means.
  • Added "Upgrade" event. Meet a mysterious character and acquire a random upgrade from a choice of 3. Sometimes one of these is special.
  • Added "??? Upgrade" event. You'll have to see what that means. Remember, all things have a cost
  • Added "Treant Domain" event. Fight the Treant boss for some major rewards!


  • Items have been rebalanced to generally be considerably stronger
  • Crafting no longer lets you exceed an item's level
  • Added a specific craft that lets you increase an item's level, to counteract the above
  • Added various new item bases. Some are simply more powerful to help you get through content, whereas some are more interesting
  • Added +skill item modifiers. These are very rare, but will increase the level of a skill on the skill tree. This can both increase a skill beyond it's max level, and even unlock skills you haven't invested in! For example, if you have a sword with +2 to Whirlwind, but don't have any points in Whirlwind, you'll still be able to equip the skill. Seek these out, they're very powerful.
  • Added some unique items
  • Items can now roll with Poison Resistance
  • Most item modifiers have a smoother curve. You'll see upgrades in modifier tiers much sooner, effectively.


  • Most skills on the skill tree are 2-3 times stronger than before
  • Shockwave's innate skill bonuses have been modified to boost both flat and % damage to keep it more in line with Whirlwind
  • Mana cost of Whirlwind has increased
  • Most enemies have more health than before, but deal a bit more damage
  • Added a large pool of fun upgrades for leveling up
  • Research thresholds for research bonuses have been substantially reduced
  • A lot more bonuses have been added to research
  • Substantially reduced the minion health on Treant's second add phase
  • Lowered the number of items Treant drops on death, but made his treasure chest much cooler


  • Added Ice Slime. It's a slime, but it also does cold damage.
  • Added Angry Hornet. It fires multiple projectiles that can deal fire damage
  • Added Plague Rat. It's a slightly slower rat that deals a lot of poison damage


  • Added the "Chilled" effect. This can occur when taking cold damage, and slows action speed and makes cooldowns longer
  • Added the "Poison" effect. This can occur when taking poison damage, and deals damage over time based on the poison damage you took


  • Fully implemented controller support
  • Simplified the research UI
  • Improved the skill selection UI
  • Improved item management UI
  • Improved ingame buff/debuff display UI
  • Improved general ingame displays
  • Added event meter
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