is community of indie game creators and players


What actually happened?

Qwerty's Planet
A downloadable game

Hello fellow gamers!

Im Bambuko, one of the creators of QWP, and i wanted to answer a few questions about the development and the game itself, and it's future.

Lets go straight to the point. QWP seems to be dead.

And yes, it might seem that it died, but it actually isnt, i will explain in a while.

This was a very hard half-of-year for our developlent team. We had a lot of bugs, people getting sick, and sometimes we even had Unity halting our development by just straight up not working.

So we decided to...... Stop using Unity

We are currently rewriting the game in C++ (yay!)

And now, a short Q&A section:

- Why would we even switch to C++?

- It is because of enchanting game's performance, giving a lot more control, and Unity doing bugs out of nowhere, and halting the development. It's not like i hate Unity, but it just isn't acceptable in a long-term development.

- What will be changed?

- A LOT. Especially in performance, but i can't spoil more for now :>

- What platforms will be supported?

- Windows, Linux, and maybe MacOS, but i can't say for sure.

- How long it will take for the game to be rewritten?

- Thats a good question, because i dont know. It's my first time meeting and working with C++, but it is nice.

- Will we be updated about development?

- Yes, i will post devlogs on, on our discord server, and on youtube (devlogs comming soon!)

- Will the support be dropped for the Unity (legacy) version?

- Yes, but we will try to migrate existing accounts, for more info join the discord (link in the main page of QWP)

Thats all for now, and see you later!

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