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Luck be a Lie - v1.01

Luck be a Lie
A downloadable game

First off, a huge thank you to everyone who played and rated Luck be a Lie during the gamejam, somehow earning it the 26th spot, and even an unimaginable 2nd in creativity!

What started as a fun way to spend a weekend quickly grew into a game concept I'm incredibly excited about. Rest assured, this won't be the last you hear of Luck be a Lie!

But, focusing on business, now that the jam is over I wanted to make sure the game looked its best - so I've uploaded a small patch that fixes the little issues that marred the gamejam release:

  • The download has been revised from an installer (.exe) to a much less suspicious .zip file
  • Buster's Firestorm + now correctly deals damage on 6+ rolls
  • Counter-damage will no longer activate counter-damage, preventing instantaneous deaths when player and enemy both roll it from Earth's Will


  • Luck be a Lie 11 MB
    Jul 26, 2022
Download Luck be a Lie
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