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Insurrection Progress Report #8: Back to the Drawing Board

A downloadable game for Windows

Kept you waiting, huh?

Let’s get to the point.

In the five-month long silence, I finally took it upon myself to restart development on Insurrection around the start of June, which is the cause for the massive lapse in updates. Insurrection, prior to this restart, had a largely “directionless” development cycle. It was primarily just fixing and adding content/features, and if you were lucky, you’d see a new level that’d end up getting scrapped.

Not only that, but it was nightmarish working with this game’s codebase. So much code was so closely coupled with other code that you’d think they were married, and this would lead to piles of errors if one wasn’t present in the Scene or in the project. The code was inefficient and hacky; there’s even a file somewhere purpose-made for a scrapped enemy because bullets didn’t properly collide with said enemy’s hitbox. The script that governs all movement - from walking to wall-running - was composed of a whopping 1.1k lines of code.

All-in-all, the project was inflexible, unwieldy, and very creatively stifling since many of the things I wanted to add to this game simply were not feasible as it’d break far too much or it’d somehow generate a performance bottleneck.

In just one month, I’ve managed to recreate Insurrection with sensibly-written code with proper optimization. Gone are the days of high-end setups overheating on something as simple as the tutorial. There’s too much for me to list as to what was changed, added, or fixed in Version 20 of Insurrection, so go play it yourself.

If you wish to follow development more closely, be sure to pay this game’s Discord server a visit.

That’s all for now.


  • Insurrection (Build 20) 133 MB
    Jul 25, 2022
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