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Patch #2: The Nazir Update

St. Agatha City
A downloadable game for Windows, macOS, and Linux

Patch #2: The Nazir Update

Good evening, citizens of St. Agatha! Our second patch is now live! This patch adds a ton of new voice over, and I have been teasingly referring to it as the Nazir update, as a huge chunk of this has been audio from the extremely talented Jerron Bacat. Typically editing voice reels is a multi hour process, which is the reason characters like Marjory and Ian have been taking longer to incorporate, but I was able to get through all of Jerron's first reading in only two. As such, this ended up being a very Nazir heavy update.

♡ Let's first talk about what's new! ♡

This patch ended up being similar to Path #1 in form, and I'm still working on making more uniform, guided updates in the future. I guess that's the nature of early game fixes. There's a lot more little stuff to iron out.

  • Now, when you play the game, you can expect 50% of Nazir's demo dialogue to be fully voiced, and in No Name Girl's good route he is (or should be) 100% good to go!
  • I've begun incorporating Ian and Tara's dialogue! There are around 13 lines for Ian now in the game, and 5 for Tara. These ones are taking me longer to cut, but we're making good progress.
  • Editing has begun on Baxter's dialogue :) Nothing is in the game yet, but once I finish up Marjory, and get a little further on Ian and Tara, I'll be starting on that.

There's also been the usual bug fixes! Some of note are character names not switching from ??? to their character labels at the appropriate times (I'm sure there are more of these I haven't noticed yet ofc), edits were made to Nazir's dialogue in the mall, and as always, there were typo fixes.

♡ What's next...? ♡

Like I said, I want to finish adding Marjory's currently recorded lines, and continue chipping away at Tara and Ian's. I plan on focusing heavily on Tara soon, and as such, I am trying to cast Connor and Walter's VA's so that I can edit them along side Tara :) You can read more about that here, and even submit your own auditions, if you think you have what it takes!

I'm also planning on looping back around to get the second halves of scripts recorded with my VA team, as I close up on the first sets. That's still a little ways off, but it's been on my mind.

- Fairyfly

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