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September 2022 release 1 (22.09_1)

Darskerry Redemption
A downloadable game for Windows

Busy, busy, busy this Summer, enjoying some time with the family and soaking up some sunshine and rest. Still time for tweaking though, so I have a new release with some tantalizing tidbits to see!

Lots of little bits and pieces in this release, as I push further towards a stable baseline on which to create actual game content. On that note, I'm maintaining a Trello board of all the outstanding platform bits and pieces, if you're interested:

Bug Fixes

  • Absolutely, definitely fixed the bug where the mouse cursor doesn't appear in dialogue UI! Found the root cause (incorrect component parent) and fixed it for good!
  • Weather now ends more gradually when change is triggered by a quest.
  • Save and load are now working. See below for info.
  • Fixed issue with background music not looping properly.
  • Some performance fixes, specifically around shadow and object culling and terrain mesh optimization. With these changes, I'm seeing significantly higher FPS than before. Hopefully, I can continue to tune this more!

New Features / Enhancements

  • Built out the "Main Map" functionality and I'm really pleased with how it's looking. Hit <M> to bring it up, and you'll see:
    • Zoom in and out that give you any level of detail you want.
    • Icons in place for Quest Givers, Home, and Quest Objectives.
    • Settlements now appear with their names on the map once they're discovered.
  • Save system is now in place for many systems and objects. The following will be saved and restored on load, either from the main menu or in-game:
    • Selected character and position.
    • Inventory and quick access items, including items equipped.
    • Spawned quest items, either in inventory or spawned if not yet collected.
    • Quest and Dialogue states.
  • Started to add some Quality settings under "Core Quality". I'll tweak these as I go, to try to give some options around performance and quality. I strongly recommend sticking to "Balanced" for now, that gives the nicest trade off of quality and performance.
  • Added an "Unlock FPS" option under Video settings, though with current optimization I'm not sure how high this will go!
  • Added a new settlement in the mountains, "Torr Haggard"
    • Added the Inn, the "Frozen Spitoon" and its loveable bar keep, Big Eddie.
    • Added some roads, houses and some decoration. Lots more to do here, but it's coming together.
  • Added new Lake and Island Zones, with plans to build out more settlements and points of interest.
  • Starting to flesh out the environment, with points of interest and content.
  • AI - much more performant AI, with individual, tuned Finite State Machine models for each character. So far, we now have:
    • Deer and Stag - only come out in the daytime, graze randomly, deer will flee at the sight or sound of the player. Stag is more robust, and won't flee - in fact, he will defend himself if attacked.
    • Wolf - only comes out at night, and will randomly howl at the moon. Will not attack the player unless attacked itself.
    • Rabbit - this guy just hops along, grazes, and looks around. She'll flee is she hears the player or is attacked.
    • Fox - not shy, this guy, so will tolerate the player. Will flee if attacked.
  • Enemy AI - creatures will only be spawned at night but are very aggressive to the player and animals. 


  • Updated packages:
    • Unity: 2021.3.8f1.
    • GeNa: 3.3.21
    • Gaia: 3.2.6
    • HDRP Time of Day 1.1.0
    • Soul Link Spawner: 1.2.6
    • Quest Machine: 1.2.29
    • Dialog System: 2.2.30
  • Added a "Debug Canvas", with buttons to trigger various things for testing. You can toggle this with the <5> key on the keypad.
    • Please use with caution, as some things may not like being triggered out of sequence.

Known Issues

  • Still lots to be done with performance, as we're not getting anywhere near the FPS we should.
  • Load and save can be "finicky" and will be tidied up over the coming releases.


  • 2 GB
    Version 21
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