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Texture Mode!

Warp's Maze
A downloadable game for Windows

I have been in texturing mode for the last 2 months. And I still have a long way to go!

Last year I discovered how important textures are. I bought painting supplies and enjoyed hand painting textures and scanning and processing them. The results were unique, but they weren’t exactly to my own standards. Also, this technique is very time consuming. Especially the processing step. I had to learn how to use FFT to remove the canvas texture. Cool technique to learn, it taught me things beyond the technique. So I decided hand painting is not a good long term solution for texturing.

Earlier this year I purchased the Wacom One. It is a game changer for me. I have a Samsung Note 10+, a Microsoft Surface and a Wacom Bamboo. They don’t hold a candle to the Wacom One. I use the Note for my portable sketch device. The surface is rotting in my office somewhere (it isn’t a good device).

I also upgraded my software. I purchased Photoshop. This replaces Paint.NET and Autodesk Sketchbook. PS is something I am familiar with from college but I never wanted to spend the money. Gimp is fine, but I am a creature of habit. I am happy with my new setup, it feels much more comfortable and I am churning out textures like never before!

My goal is to finish my long list of textures, move them over to my desktop PC and start building out the 3D models for the environments. After that is more character design! I probably won’t get to gameplay development for another few months.

On the side, I am working on a custom script runtime I am calling DSCRIPT. I am building a desktop editor and runtime engine with Typescript. This DSCRIPT engine will control gameplay and UI in Warp’s Maze. Warp’s Maze uses the C# DSCRIPT runtime. Also, DSCRIPT needs a new name… there are many DSCRIPTs out there already!

-Alex “Dev” Earley 😄

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