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GMTK GameJam Devlog part 1 (7 hours in)

Dungeons & Dices
A downloadable game

7 of 48 hours gone.

I'm participating to GMTK 2022 gamejam as solo developer. Theme was roll of the dice. I've always liked the idea of trying to use rigidbody to add chaos and improvisation to games. I've failed horribly before, but one more try.

Maybe not the most orginal idea, but I chose to use die as player character. To find a bit more unique approach, I'd like to use it in action game style. I got an idea of using die to dodge attacks and to attack using aribash and doing damage depending on the side that is up. After some thinking I thought that matching numbers would be better approach, but we'll see if this can be made into action oriented game with these movements. If things look bad, shouldn't be hard to make small puzzle game.

-Target to bash
-Registering what number is on top when airbash hits


  • Build
    Jul 15, 2022
Download Dungeons & Dices
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