Posted July 15, 2022 by The Grumpy GameDev
In today's update, I now have the Constable rewarding you for bringing him the Membership Cards for Malcontents that you kill!
Also, I have added the ability for certain types of enemies to attempt to intimidate you, and the ultimate result of this is your complete demoralization, which means that you will lose half of yer money and drop all yer stuff and run back to the town square.
All is not lost, however. The elder is happy to give you enough of a pep talk to restore 1 MP, which is a good thing, because you cannot enter a dangerous area when you are demoralized.
Another source of regenerating MP is by drinking beer.
But that leads to the conclusion that drinking is a solution to a problem.
And SPLORR!! doesn't work that way.
So one of the next things to work on will be drunkenness. Likely I will use a timer to count down a number of moves of motor skill impairment.