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Game is finally out!

Mike is ill
A browser game made in HTML5

Mike can finally be cured

or can he?

Some announcement

The game is finally out and you can play it from start to finish, there are no planned updates going further, aside from various bug fixes obviously. Solve  some puzzles and enjoy retro looks, and have fun!

This is postmortem part of the announcement

Read further only if you are interested in some behind the scenes stuff

This project was fun to develop as I've did a game in a way that i though i would never be able to, using tools that are completely new to me, like blender and using Godot to make a 3d game which was an interesting experience

Some background

Idea behind this projected came to me after re-watching petscop and then having a weird dream. I wasn't sure if I would actually finish it, ever, but finding out about My first game jam 2022 gave me enough motivation to rethink entire project so it could be completed in the time that was given. 


Why did i pick godot, despite it's known reputation of not being that good for 3d games? The answer is pretty simple, I used godot before, never for 3d, but I still used it and learning entirely new engine didn't seem like a good choice(although in retrospect i still had to learn about godot). 
Was it a good choice? Honestly, yes. Godot's lack of features for 3d development, didn't really hurt the project, mainly because of how simplistic it looks. Small size of the final build is one big benefit

Development process

(this part is mostly me archiving the whole dev process so anyone including myself could look back at it)

This game went through a lot of design changes during development process, most notably a lot of areas were cut or changed visually(and while I wish i could keep some of them, i think final product looks and plays good enough)

Originally game was supposed to have a rather strange look to it, with walls being sort of wobbly and textures blurred out

That later got changed, because i wanted to split the rooms


This gamejam brought me a lot of stress and disappointment because I wanted to spend this summer not having to do anything that has a time bomb hanging above it, yet here i was trying to a 3d game in an unfamiliar set of tools.

But in the end i'm happy that i took part in it as it gave me a reason to finally finish something.

Thanks to all who helped!


  • 32 MB
    Jul 14, 2022
  • 24 MB
    Jul 14, 2022
  • 27 MB
    Jul 14, 2022
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