is community of indie game creators and players


Patch v2.28

A downloadable game for Windows and Android

-The navigation system of the bots on the map has been improved, so that they do not concentrate so much on one point and the game does not end so quickly

-They are no longer standing still, except for those born on the islands that cannot cross the water, but we will correct those later, for now it does not matter

-The life was increased from 300 to 600 since when you are armed you go down to a bot of 4 hits with the jade sword.

-The bots no longer enter the water, if there is a bridge they surround

-Improved the combat system of the bots

-Now the bots can hit meele from combos with weapons

-Added scythe, axe, daggers, spear and jade sword to the bot weapon system

-Now the bots walk with the animation according to the weapon they have

-Bots now use ranged spells only if they are outside meele's range

-Bots freeze if they need life


  • 1 GB
    Version 2.28
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