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Main character introductions

The Orchid Mansion
A downloadable game

Here's a little introduction to all the main characters of my newest upcoming game The Orchid Mansion. It's a visual novel after all, and you can't have one of those without a fun cast. There's 10 characters I wanna show off in total (in no particular order), so bear with me.

Meet the members of the Orchid family:

Leslie Orchid

Like you, he's a kid that got adopted into the family. He's been here longer than you though, so he'll show you the ropes. A shy, reserved and socially awkward kid, never seeming to fit in. Underneath that shyness though hides a kind and gentle soul, who just wants to be accepted. He never felt the others ever found him part of the family, but he's confident that you can do what he couldn't. Hopefully you'll stay by his side. After all, us adopted kids stick together, right?

Obadiah Orchid

Big and stoic, this 7 foot tall grandpa is the head of the family. His commanding presence silences everyone when he walks into the room, and nobody would even think to speak against him. All his years of experience has given him much wisdom, making him the perfect fit for leader. A man of few words, he speaks only when necessary and will do whatever it takes to keep his family safe.

Ophelia Orchid

Obadiah's first child, this sweet woman is a mother to all. Thoughtful and caring, she always puts in her best effort to make sure everybody feels loved, even if she can sometimes get in over her head or hyperfixate on small things. She's the woman that adopted you, making her your new step-mom.

Louis Orchid

Small in stature as well as in confidence. Louis is a bumbling stuttering mess and is seen as a loser by the rest of the family. Some even consider him to be 'a weak link'. The only one who seems to accept him is his wife Ophelia; a true love story for the ages. What he lacks in confidence and hair he makes up for with heart, even if he can't always get his words out right.

Odessa Orchid

The only child of Louis and Ophelia, this satanic 4yo is a bundle of crazy. She's a true wild card and never be predicted. A gleeful satanist obsessed with pleasing her 'Dark Lord' by any means necessary. She's a master of dark spells and knives, but still has trouble pronouncing her r's and l's. And because she's the child of your new step-mom, that effectively makes her your new step-sister. Yay.

Otto Orchid

Obadiah's second child and Ophelia's brother. He's pessimitic and arrogant; the complete opposite of his gentle sister. A famous writer, he's swav and sophisticated, expecting everybody else from his side of the family to follow his example. There may be kindness hidden in his heart, but you'd have to dig pretty deep to kind it.

Talia Orchid

A kind soul to counter-balance Otto's antagonistic attitude. A true support system, always willing to help out. A former famous actress, she quit her career to take care of her new family. She may not have the skills to make everybody feel loved like Ophelia does, but she has enough confidence to pull it off anyway. If Obadiah were gone, she'd be the best choice for a new leader.

Olivia Orchid

A child of Otto and Talia. She's a supergenius, mastered in all forms of science and robotics. Born without an arm, she's composed and straight-forward. She doesn't have time for anybody's nonsense and will put them in their place if they ever come near her personal space.

Opal Orchid

Otto and Talia's second child & Olivia's twin. A fashionista with a serious caffeine addiction. Easily freaked out, she barely sleeps. Because of these attributes, she's very abrasive and bratty, always coming at odds with her twin sister.

Oscar Orchid

Otto and Talia's last child; the little brother of the group. A true bundle of positivity, this guy is a lover of the arts. He's spunky and rebellious and calls everybody 'dude' regardless of their gender. If it weren't for his childish outlook on life, he'd be everybody's friend, even if his sisters never seem to have his best interest at heart.

That's all of them. Hope with these introductions you now have a better understanding of what kind of game this is going to be. Also hope I made you excited to hang out with these characters when the game finally finishes production. Which one is your favorite so far?

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