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Large Rework and Demo Added

Advanced Player Controller
A downloadable node

A Large change to the underlying system made and a Demo project has been added. Check out the demo for an example of how this character controller should work in practice , updates to that are continually happening and you should see another version soon!

Less codependency with equally fast code execution. States now never have cyclic dependencies, which is a quirk of the GDScript interpreter.

Inputs now moved to the InputManager node, this will soon be updated to handle all joypad inputs, and released as a standalone asset.

The player controller has been made less dependent on  being a Kinematic node, and can very easily be reworked into a RigidBody

System has been updated to not create cyclic dependencies. 


  • 164 kB
    Jul 07, 2022
  • 157 kB
    Jul 07, 2022
Download Advanced Player Controller
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