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Weekly report #13

Grizzly Grove
A browser game made in HTML5

Hello people, time to report in, as I did for the last 12? weeks. It's been a long time, but we're close. Let's begin. My PC monitor just died on me the last Wednesday, and I have the annoying flu (no covid thankfully). Right now I'm working using my PC connected to my bedroom's TV. It's annoying because I don't have the computer table where I used to have my monitor, but this will have to do until I get my hands on another monitor. This update will come no matter what fucking happens.

This week, I dedicated it to writing and coding the story mission 2. It's completed and tested. I also took two days to play level 3 again on both routes (yup, there will be two routes. What are those? I'm not telling) and realized that the romance progression was complicated and boring, so I opted for eliminating the grinding part of the romance (I initially set the two dates and sexual encounters with dalton on the office and mall as ways to increase the romance points. Now they are optional and do not increase it). Now the only way to progress the romance is through the two romance missions. Don't worry, you'll see on screen if you were successful or not. I must add, that failing the romance will bring another ending. Not the usual fatal ending I always do... it will be a dark ending kinda like the one at Garrett's epilogue, so it's worth failing the romance too.

Yesterday I started the third and last story mission (we also have the final mission, but that one is the epilogue from the JCS storyline). This mission... is completely different depending on what route you choose at the start of level 3. I'm having a lot of fun writing it.

So, that's it for now. See ya next week.

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