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Alone - Balance - Wrapping Up Features

A downloadable game for Windows


So, nearing closer to the release - so this week I finished off the last features that are going to go out with it. Although I still have some items in my wishlist which I might do after everything else is done.

So without further ado...

Starting with a small change to crafting

Crafting difficulty has been replaced with a much simpler system, which goes from Trivial To Difficult (plus a special difficulty for cases where it doesn't matter). All items can be created from the beginning, and the difficulty listed determines the quality of the item produced.

Items which don't have quality, have no difficulty.

The chance to get better items is increased by having a high inspiration attribute... and that's it. This change therefore removes the skill system finally.

So, with that done, it was a time to take a look at the quests.

The existing quests have been given a number of tweaks, and some of the quest lines have been replaced entirely.

A New Home and Honourbound Warrior have both been simplified slightly. They're essentially tutorial missions to explain basic gameplay concepts and how fighting works.

Jewel of Lagosin is a set of quests which relate to improving the home island, the use of copper items, the building of the Shrine and lighthouse, that sort of thing.

And the High King is about, well, conquest. Conquering the nearby islands, unlocking technology, and reaching rather scary crypt levels.

Oh right, and some of the Quest stages are also integrated into Steam Achievements, so you'll unlock them as you go along.

So, that's all the features I have time for for now. Next week I'll continue working on the bugs and re-balancing some features, and then quite a bit of playtesting.

Til then

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