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Guardians of RPG v1.02 Progress Report (June 2022)

Guardians of RPG v1.02
A browser game made in HTML5

Hello everyone!

This is the last Monday of the month, which means it's time for my monthly progress report! This month there were a lot of highs and lows in both game production and my overall mental and emotional health. Even so, I think there is a lot to showcase for this month that you all might be proud of. I know I am to a degree. So let's get started.

Battle Simulator

For this month, I primarily worked on the Battle Simulator. This included fixing the Battle States, the UI,  balancing changes, and even the creation of some characters. Not all of it has been completed 100% to my liking, but it actually works and functions like a real game, and that's really exciting to me. It's already a huge improvement from how my game used to look and feel, and so I know no matter what I can be proud of that.

That doesn't mean that my work is done.  There are still glaring issues about the Battle Simulator that will definitely need to be address in later updates. In fact, I will list them all here:

  • Player and Character HUD needs room to display status conditions
  • Animations for move and move effects need to be included in game
  • Animations for rolling dice need to be included in game
  • Ability for Player to use medical items when knocked out if their ally is alive needs to be incorporated
  • Ability to include side effects to game need to be incorporated
  • Ability to roll initiative needs to be incorporated
  • Ability to roll to escape needs to be incorporated
  • And probably so much more...

So far, the BARE minimum is included in the Battle Simulator so that the player is able to realistically play and progress through, but with the addition to all of the features and bug fixes above, I am confident that I will be able to make the game more engaging and exciting to play.

Battle Characters

I have created Battle Characters for the Battle Simulator. Battle Characters are NPCs who notice the player by means of a trigger box, and thus challenge the player to battle.  This allows for the Player to navigate through levels or scenes in a way that allows them to escape detection from certain Battle Characters if they chose. So far I have finished adding all the Battle Characters to the Tiro Town story line, however, I still need to add all of the Battle Characters to the Toxic Trails story line.

Things Left to Do Before the Deadline

There are still a lot left to do before the deadline of July 4:

  • Add music and sound effects to game
  • Update setting /UI graphics
  • Update NPC Companion feature
  • Fix Quest window Bugs
  • Fix Item and Move Selector Bugs in Battle Simulator

Can I do this all in a week? Let's not get our hopes up. I'm still trying to find a work-life balance, but what I can say is that this has been truly an amazing 6 months of progress. Progress aside, it's been an amazing learning experience for me in general. Despite the challenges in my personal life, I've had fun working on this, and I can't wait until I can show you call version 1.02. I wanna thank everyone who's been there supporting me through it all. I can't wait to see you all next week.

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