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Monthly Update - Writing Is A Thing

Court of Fools
A downloadable game for Windows and macOS

Hello-hello, it is once again time for a monthly update. Time flies by fast when you're juggling things, huh?

First off, I'll be upfront and say that due to Artfight happening, there likely won't be any substantial update for July. I'll be participating in it and I'm still juggling arthritis stuff, so my energy will very much be not at its peak, and thus work will probably slow a little bit.

But! That aside, let's get into what I have to show you this time around!

The last month or so, I've been working on a Characterization Bible for my writing team. This is basically a big ol' spreadsheet that contains aaaallllll the little spoilery tidbits of characters that make them tick, so my writers can better understand how to portray them, how things could tie into the greater story of the game, etc.

And just a bit over a week ago, I finally finished it! At least, the bulk of it. All of the jesters plus some other major characters have been done, which is the main stuff I wanted to get down, but there are definitely a good amount of minor characters that will need stuff as well. They aren't gonna get full pages, however, so that's for future Casper.

So with that main obstacle out of the way, I was able to get back to writing! Did I ever mention how I had the first chapters for the first two routes done? Well, if I didn't... I did! But, uh... Looking back on them after focusing on the bible, well...

Simply put, the writing method I was using wasn't working out, so I decided to scrap everything and start from square one again. As a result, I now only have about 75% of one route outlined, BUT rather than just doing a single chapter, I am instead outlining the whole route, so that's actually going a lot faster than before. With any luck, I should be able to do the other two main routes just as quickly.

Soooo here's some small little tidbits from that! I started with the Fae route this time around, so there's a couple relevant profiles and a small glimpse of stuff to come in text form

The Fae route is definitely the most 'fun' for me because I get to be really weird with things, which is why I'm not surprised I was able to knock things out pretty quickly. I even made notes of details that could change based on what choices you make, so it won't be lacking in things like that. For this first chapter, there's quite a few character introductions, and there will be two deaths!!!

I'm going to try and do as much work on all the outlines before Artfight starts, and then my focus will dip a slight bit while I participate in that. Once the outline work is out of the way and I actually have an idea as to what I will need, I'll be looking more into the programming and art-based aspects of things, so maybe! I will be able to share stuff that's more than just! Screenshots of google documents AAAAGH very sorry it has been mostly that lately, it's quite a slow process...

So I'll close it out with the reminder that there is a Public Discord Server where you can see stuff firsthand and as they happen, not having to wait for a monthly update! >

I post doodles, screenshots of stuff, misc ramblings and tidbits for story stuff and characters, and art! The cover image for this update, for example, was done in response to people in the server voting the character they wanted to see drawn!

That's all for now! See ya!

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