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The Distal Reach - First Build

Pinion 2 - The Distal Reach
A downloadable game

I set out to create something to follow up on my last Speedgame project, Pinion.  The story then was to escape a city.... but I left it open-ended after you got through the gate.... This is the next chapter.

This time Theme is "Out-of-time".... and I had some ideas right from the start. I played a small game some time ago on the Playstation Game and dev platform Dreams, It was an iterative time-loop that allowed just enough time to reach another clue.... not something to explain in much detail because that was an abandoned thought as I loaded up Unity and gave consideration to my collection of Assets and tools.... These tools and assets are the key to my development process.

I have Chronos - a time manipulation tool for Unity that allows playing an action forward, paused, or even in reverse..... and I hadn't yet played around much with it, but I had the idea that somehow slowing time down as the game played on would drive the player forward to 'collect' more time.

Because I like the third person Adventure style games, and also had a 3rd Person cover shooter template, I took these two and began to dream up some ideas about how to merge them together as an underlying game mechanic to the story.  I also had envisioned doing this because my main project will also benefit from further efforts learning the inner-workings and challenges - I am not just making a gamejam game --- this is also meant to be my training grounds, if you will, for future projects.  I needed an environment for all this to exist in, so I also brought into the project many environmental assets and got to work terra-forming the landscape, dropping in a walled city (eh, so what if its not directly like the wall in Pinion?! .... call it a placeholder?)  - While crafting the layout of the level, I was still undecided what would tie in the time manipulation.  I added some control towers and some Guards to shoot at with the the TPS template.

Slowly over the course of the day things would slowly come together. I do admit I have a bit of a problem when it comes to getting the fundamentals down solid first. I spent a good amount of time with PostProcessing effects only to find them unappealing and settling on a less Image filtered look. I continued to work on one part than another. The character controller.... then the level design.... more of the Character Controller...  The Chronos time management.... so far its heading in a direction I like, but considering the vision I had started with its a different thing now than what I started out to do.

So to recap, todays tasks primarily involved:
Environmental design
Character Setup
AI Setup
Chronos - Timescale Management implementation

And tomorrow I hope to accomplish the following:
Reskin the default template characters and redo the weaponry.
Add in Tower- Disablement features
Create an Opening Cutscene to set the stag
Create a closing scene for when the Player finally frees themselves from the grip of the city.

Download Pinion 2 - The Distal Reach
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