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Patch 1.1.0

Mad Devils
A downloadable game for Windows

Language - Added Chinese and Traditional Chinese Language Support 


        - Fixed dropdowns cutting off top and bottom entries

        - Expanded dropdown selection size

        - Fixed character select menu breaking in editor

        - Added extra null checks to prevent HUD from staying disabled



        - Minor spelling/punctuation fixes

        - Replaced – with - in script, because the former isn't supported by the font



        - Fixed numerous cutscene issues


        - Added Malkov confrontation cutscene

        - Added missing dialogue

        - Added ambush encounter

        - Fixed overlapping cutscenes cutting each other off

        - Adjusted truck push dialogue to time better in sequence

        - Fixed final cutscene always enabling, regardless of whether it was previously played

        - Moved rail electricity effect, since it doesn't do anything and might dissuade players from the critical path

        - Removed trigger for nonexistent memory dialogue

        - Covered up void hole at level exit

        - Fixed D05 not playing after M1

        - Adjusted timing on some end level dialogue

        - Added debug tool to destroy artillery camp

- Fixed hint guide system

        - Adjusted War activation timing to better match dialogue length

        - Minor War activation fix



  • Added Portuguese translation


Loading Scene

        - Version number will now match Project version number


  • Barrier text won't appear after conditions have been met
  • Fixed combination barriers breaking if game is loaded after defeating pre-spawned enemies
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