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Update for Deluxe Pt 2—Still Working on it!

Rihanne "Envy" Mini-game Normal
A browser game made in HTML5

[Originally posted to Patreon / Fanbox]

Hey folks! It's suddenly nice and warm here in the UK, and I'm enjoying not freezing to death for once. Finally, I can break out the shorts and put away the jackets. 8-)

I wanted to do a little update, as it's been a week or so since I posted here, and while it is my hiatus (of sorts), I want to keep you folks up to date. So! Work progresses on Rihanne Deluxe 2, but I will not be able to finish it for the 24th, as I said I would (unless I manage some kind of miracle...). As such, I'm just going to say that it will be finished ASAP, and definitely will be finished before the month ends. Sorry if you're waiting eagerly for it!

Part of the reason for the delay is that I'm resting up a bit here and there, taking some time to catch up on computer games and just do things that don't involve me sitting at the PC (as fun as making animations is and as comfy as my desk chair is, even I need a smol break here and there XD). 

While resting, I've been thinking carefully about how to approach animations going forward. I'm still figuring things out with my new process, and what can be done / can't be done with it. To replicate the type of expansions I used to do, I'm going to have to be creative / sneaky, as code alone does not make for a smooth belly expansion. Sliders are fun, but I don't think they have much worth besides a fun toy as triggering events / mechanics with them is tricky (and triggering sound effects with the sliders, without that sound effect playing 25 times a second? Hah...) 

Another delay is that Deluxe Part 1 was very short, so I want to make Deluxe 2 a bit longer (or as long as I can without lag rearing its head). If the file starts to become laggy, I'll finish up what I've got and do a part 3 of the remaining content, which isn't ideal but I would rather you have multiple files that work fairly well than one file that stutters and lags to heck. 

In case you think I've forgotten, once Rihanne is done I'll be moving onto Hana Uzaki's "DAMN 2". I know she's there and waiting for her own animation, but I have to finish my current plate before I move onto another. Sorry, Hana!

I hope you guys are doing well, and also taking breathers of your own if you need them. Being productive and working hard is very important, but you've also got to take a little time for yourself, no matter how busy you are. We are not robots, after all. Robots are cool as heck, though.

I think that's all I have to say at the moment. Thanks as always for your support, your infinite patience and I hope you enjoy Rihanne's Deluxe Part 2 when I finish it. Any questions / queries, feel free to leave a comment or send me a DM. 


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