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Initial Jam Submission

Monster of the Weekend
A browser game made in HTML5

Hey I did a game jam. Isn't that great? Yes, I think it is.

So this initial file is honestly pretty far away from what I wanted this project to be. I got veeerrry overzealous with what I thought I could handle, and ending up way over-scoping. Oops! So, what's missing that I'd like to add in the near future?

- Being able to feed your monster more stuff. Right now, you can only feed it the apple.

- The monster being able to evolve into more than one form. Right now, it always evolves into the duck thing.

Considering the theme of the jam was 'Unintended Consequences', I think not know what your monster is going to turn into is pretty important. So that's my goal right now: make the monster's evolution path less predictable!

PS I don't know how to write devlogs, is this even a devlog?

Okay I love you, bye!


  • 100 kB
    Jun 21, 2022
Download Monster of the Weekend
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