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Update (18-Jun-2022)

Delivery Pilot: Dreams and Debts
A browser game made in HTML5

Hi All,

This week, I've been testing the morning scenes and also adding some improvements. I'm happy that I was able to add 3 quality of life improvements, that I wasn't able to add last month. First, now if you have more credits than debt left, you can simply finish the game early. You don't have to, but you can. Secondly, I polished a bit, how the station information screen in the main menu displays what obligations are there. Lastly, I've also added extra weight to later obligations, so that they are more likely to show up at higher relationship levels. It's not guaranteed, but it should be more likely.

There's another improvement that I'm happy about. The game now calculates the chance the main character will be harassed, either in the morning, or when loading or unloading. This chance is based on the personalities and ranks of the officers on the station, and also how many "public" obligations the main character has on that station. That means that stations with rude officers will also have a culture of rudeness, and if those officers are higher ranking, then that culture of rudeness will be even more present. Furthermore, as the main character adopts more obligations on a station, that station's culture also chances over time, to become more harassment prone.

I've also added a panel, which shows how likely harassment is and why. I think this is kind of fun for me, because it feels like you have some more insight into the various places, and maybe feel the progress as obligations are adopted. The panel also lets you know that the dice roll to see if harassment occurs only happens once a day, not every time you come and go.

I still feel the writing could use more polish, and there are further testing that needs to be done about those quality of life updates. But if all goes well, I aim to make another release next weekend. After that, I plan to move on to the next bit of writing. I was thinking about doing the scenes for relationship level 4 "private" obligations. But, I learned a lot doing the morning scenes, both in terms of writing and coding. Therefore, I want to first update the current scenes, such as cargo loading/unloading, checking if the main character is wearing the underwear she promised, and the officers molesting her. After that, I would like to focus on 3 new scenes. One is the officers asking her to flash her assets, and another is personnel and VIPs harassing her during her missions. I also want to expand a little on the night time activities, but that might be too ambitious. Maybe 2 months from now for that last one.


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