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Major Milestone - basic gameplay loop

camp check? [v0.21]
A downloadable game for Windows and Linux

So, the basic gameplay loop is complete. 

1. Create a party and load into a zone with mobs
2. Invite other NPCs to join your party if you'd like
3. Aggro mobs, pull them back to camp, and your party kills the mobs
4. Gold/XP rewards are gained
5. Level up to progress to higher stages with more difficult mobs

Right now, you can go to level 20 of 60. 

Some key issues that I'd like to address in the next sprint:

  • Making different roles matter - right now, the tank/healer/dps role is purely just an icon and has no function
  • Add a way to use gold to improve your character (likely through items purchased in the city)
  • Fix the renaming/avatar selection on the main menu so that you don't have to quit the game to refresh
  • Add NPCs to your friends/guild list and keep some NPCs over as persistent entities, wiping some % of non-friended NPCs every runtime

I am going to take a break from this game though and bring some of the skills I've developed over to some of my other projects. I learned a lot about reading/writing (I explored sqlite databases, JSON, and custom resources [settled on the last one]). I really found the sqlite database fun and easy to work with, but I was having some issues with exporting and all of the help online was pointing me to custom resources, so I went with that.

I also got a lot more comfortable with state machines and how I want to handle aggro tables. I am using dictionaries within arrays for my aggro tables, and appending/sorting/clearing.

I was happy with my coin converter. It was a simple bit of code, but I enjoyed figuring out the math for it. Basically, if you've played Everquest, the coin system works the same way. Every kill, you get the value of the loot in coins, split evenly among the party. This will likely result you in carrying a ton of low-value coins. You need to visit the city to bank and automatically convert the bulk of cheap copper coins into higher value silver, gold, and platinum. 

I am still struggling with exporting - just in general. Another specific issue is that I'm not getting my head around mobile resolutions. I'm not sure if my phone is just crazy big/tall and that's why the Godot documentation's recommended settings aren't working for me, but I can't get my game to appear nice. Still need to work on that. I want to make some of these low-graphics games for mobile. I'm enjoying the space constraints of trying to do UI/UX design in mobile resolutions.


  • 47 MB
    Jun 14, 2022
  • 47 MB
    Jun 14, 2022
Download camp check? [v0.21]
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