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Battle Simulator Updates (Guardians of RPG v1.02 Updates)

Guardians of RPG v1.02
A browser game made in HTML5

Hello everyone! 

It's Monday and that means it's time for another weekly devlog. Last week may not have been as stressful and difficult as before,  but I feel myself defrost symptoms of burnout as the deadline approaches.  It's hard for me to sit at a computer for 8 hours and then come home to sit at another computer and work on the game. I think with my new circumstances, it is still possible to create a viable MVP if I can manage my time wisely. I think I'll be OK. I still want to tell this story,  no matter how long it takes. However, I may just have to adjust that timeline for the sake of my overall well being.  With that out of the way, let's get started. 

Battle Simulator Progress and Problems 

This week I have been working on the logic for the battle simulator. So far it is capable of going through several rounds of battle in 1v1 to 3v3 format, which I am grateful for.  The issues that arise is when a character is knocked out in battle, the game gets stuck on what it should do next. I am currently looking into the bug at the moment. 

Once the logic for the battle simulator is completed,  I'm afraid I will not have time to customize the battle simulator with animation and other special effects. I would need to circle back to those things once I have finished the other bugs and fine tuning in the game's more important features like traveling, cut scenes, sound, and more. If I am able to get to it then that would truly be a miracle, but for now I told myself that I would give myself 2 weeks for the battle logic and it is taking much longer. 

Weekly Goals

Speaking of tasks I will give myself,  I plan on completing the battle simulator before the next devlog. Hopefully this will give me time to finish up any last minute details with the games before I will relaunch it in July. 

Overall it has been another stressful week. But I'm here: alive and able to write these logs, which is more than I can say for a lot of people right now. I'm incredibly grateful to everyone who has supported me on this journey, for it has truly been a long one. It has been a little less than a year when I graduated from my university and decided to take this video game idea seriously, and so I'm also grateful for how far I have come. With that being said, I'll see you in the next devlog.

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