Posted June 12, 2022 by Hydra Softworks
It’s time for another big Pocket Planner update.
As previously mentioned, it contains a new and awaited feature - calendar events. There is a new day details view where users can add events. On month view, you can spot a new small triangle indicating that you have already added an event to a given day. I hope that the new feature will be helpful. During work on events, I also released a few updates to version 1.0. All that fixes and features are available in version 2.0. I want to mention just one - the application will display the current recording/playing time instead of 0s during recording and playing voice memos.
I have plans for two following features - a list of contacts and timezones. Since the timezones feature is more appealing for me as a developer, I may try to start from it, but right now, I’m not sure how doable it is. I may switch to the list of contacts. The time will tell.
If you find any problems, please report them in the comments. Of course, if you have any suggestions, please also share them.