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fourth week update (Paulo)

A downloadable game for Windows

This week we've been hard at work trying to make Castiria the best game it can be.

Most of the week was spent advancing the AI System behind Castiria's most infamous Monster! With the help of my colleagues, I've developed a Goal Oriented Action Planning system for the deductive layer of our agent(ie the monster), and also integrated it with the behaviour trees that constitute the reactive layer. In general, my GOAP system will make long term plans for the agent, and the behaviour tree will take care of the moment to moment decision making.

As team leader, I also led a meeting between us and and our fine arts colleagues, and also another meeting with a focus on narrative between myself, Ana from fine arts, and our new team mate João from the creative writing course. 

In  general, it was hard work this week, not to mention the ongoing battle with the new version of the game design document, but there's still a lot to do! 

Download Castiria
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