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Demo update - World 2!

Sigil of the Magi (demo build)
A downloadable game for Windows

Major update - you can now continue onto World 2 in the demo!

After defeating the boss in world-1, you will go straight to world-2. I figured having more content in the demo will provide a more accurate sense of what a "run" in the actual game might be like. There will be 3 worlds in the actual game, in addition to having more cards, relics, and champions to choose from.

Other changes:

Starting Deck
A new starting card for each champion that plays to their unique strength and further differentiate them from one another. The goal here is for the champions to stand apart and feel different from one another right from the get-go.

New runs
Whenever you begin a new run, you'd now get to select a boon. Boons can range from picking a new card to add into your deck to giving up all your gold to pick a relic. These boons are meant to bring more variety to each run. Possessing certain relics at the very start of a run for instance could even shape the entire course of a game. The better you fare in a prior run, the more choices you'll have when selecting a Boon.

Try out the new demo and let me know what you think! Feel free to share any feedback you have here or on DISCORD.

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  • Sigil of the Magi
    Jun 10, 2022
Download Sigil of the Magi (demo build)
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