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V1.8 Beta - Area 4, onto Area 5

BHRPG1 - Cosmic Corruption
A downloadable game

V1.8(5/25) - Added AI for the factory enemies, factory boss still not completed.  

V1.8.1(5/26) - Nerfed teleporter's attack cooldown, spawn rate, and teleport distance. Altered disruptor's projectile behavior to be more forgiving. Fixed spawning bugs with disruptors and audio bugs with annihilators, as well as phantom damage in area 3. Also fixed coins not being lost upon failure.

V1.8.2(5/27) - Fixed several bugs, changed Player-2's design, added AI for Player-2.

v1.8.3(5/28) - Reduced coin loss upon failure from 75% to 50%, added another attack to Player-2, added a checkpoint after the miniboss in area 4, and nerfed Player-2's damage reduction when in defense form.

V1.8.4(5/29) - Changed thumbnail, fixed transition bugs with Pyrorb and Player-2, added new sprites/music for Singularity, changed final Boss' name.

V1.8.5(5/30) - Added minor cutscenes for Singularity and its phase transitions, added AI for B Soul and V Soul, and added some of Singularity's AI. Greatly improved some of the wisdom tree perks, and made coin to stat conversions better for some stats.

V1.8.6(5/31) - Added the rest of phase 2 Singularity's AI.

V1.8.7(6/1) - Added an ending sequence, made deletion rays not an instant lose, nerfed Singularity's HP.

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