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Devlog W4 - Thor

Tooth Fairy
A downloadable game for Windows

This week I finally started work in Unity. A lot of time went into exploring the different assets I already own thanks to Humblebundle, and trying to see which one could be useful for our game. This was done in tandem with the Prototype, where I ultimately settled for the UFPS controller after comparing its features with other similar controllers. The prototype was focused on the flight mechanic, and I learned a lot about the UFPS framework through prototyping it. They have extensive documentation compared to most other assets, as well as modifiable source code. 

Extensive video documentation for UFPS
Some of many potential asset folder

Other than that we worked on the storyboards. I created the storyboards for the scenario 1 and 4. In addition we also showcased our prototype as well as demoed others' prototypes. Finally we wrote feedback documents for them.
The plan for next week is to finalize the character controller and make it as smooth as possible. In addition I will start with level layout or potentially AI.

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