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Intrigue has been released!

A downloadable game

Today, I launched the very first version of Intrigue. I enjoyed designing it a lot, and it feels amazing to have brought it into a state that is fit for release. This is just the beginning, though. There's more I want to add to Intrigue. 

So what do I intend?

1. Design a character sheet.

I want to desing a character sheet for the game system. I know it's not that important, but I do think that having a character sheet is a nice touch. But that's a problem I want to tackle later down the line because I'm struggling to design one that looks good and makes sense. Future me will work on it, at some point.  

2. Revise the pdf's content.

I want to add more fluff and detail to the Enaliis setting, and I also want to improve the clarity of the rules. Some of the feedback that I have been getting has told me that I need to describe the world in more vivid detail. I want to do this - I will probably separate the rules from the setting module so that I have more room to flesh the setting out independent of the rules. 

3. Make an html version of the pdf.

I just want to, okay? This will also be on the backburner since it's not really that vital. It'd be nice to have the rules in a less restrictive format than a pdf, since the layout and stuff fitting nicely onto the page is no longer a consideration. Again, this is a future me problem.

4. Design an alternate setting. 

Okay, so part of what makes Intrigue so interesting is its setting. The setting was inspired by the series Arcane along with the Duality Game Jam's theme of 'Individual and Society'. For the month of June, the game jam's theme is 'Chains and Freedom'. This is a brilliant theme for another setting that fits Intrigue. Since it's due by the end of this month, this'll be my priority. 

5. Write some fiction vignettes set in Elaniis and any other settings that I create. 

I want to create some stories that take place in the city. After all, it's my love for this kind of story that led me to design Intrigue in the first place. This is very far off, though, and I'm making no promises that I'll ever get around to this. And if I do, I'll only share them if I actually think they're any good. 

6. Playtest the game

Let me tell you a little secret. I didn't test the game. I barely balanced it. I probably need to refine and tweak some numbers here and there to make it as enjoyable to play as possible. And to do that, I need to test it with real players. When (if) I get round to this, I'll write another post talking about it. But again, don't expect this for a while.

7.  Marketing and promotion

I don't really know how to reach an audience. Other than posting about it on r/RPGdesign on reddit, I don't have any immediate plans for promoting Intrigue. But, again, I could do this in the future. If any opportunities for promoting the game present themselves to me, I will probably take them.

8. Pretty art

Eventually, I want to get some art for the pdf and stuff like that. Making it look pretty, after all, is a big consideration of mine. The issue is that so far, I'd made my game without spending any money on its development, and I'm not charging for my game. I am a terrible artist and commissioning an artist to make me some pretty drawings will cost me some money, so I don't have immediate plans to do this.

9. Campaign modules

I want to write some adventure-style modules for running games of Intrigue. They say the best way to demonstrate the way a game is meant to be played is by writing adventures for it. This'll be included with the setting pdf. 


  • Intrigue.pdf 507 kB
    May 31, 2022
Download Intrigue.
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