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Rework Update March 2022

TeleCollision (Demo)
A downloadable game for Windows

So, not everything I'm about to talk about will be final. There's a lot I'm excited to talk about, but sometimes certain features don't work out, or they need to be drastically changed by the time you get to the final product. These are the things that I've shared on social media last month that I believe will be around for the build I'm working on.

Some quality of life changes being made, I'm updating some battle sprites and attack animations. Christy's base attack specifically I've noticed lots of people having trouble knowing what to do when they first try to use it, and having trouble seeing the target that you need to point to. The target is more visible, and there's now a guideline showing you where you're pointing the sword that also acts as a timer to let you know when the sword is going to pop off. So the attack visually is more comprehensible, but now has a sense of urgency as a trade off.

I've also just updated Finley's attack to more her more emotive, and given the steam from her arm a particle effect instead of the steam being apart of her sprite animation, which I think just visually is more appealing.

In the current demo, the build that's currently available to play, you have the option of equipping three trading cards that Christy creates from objects in the levels. I'm expanding this system. There's now three different card sets, one of which is Christy's object cards you'll need to solve problems and puzzles just like before, and can also equip, but there's also a generic set of cards you can find and collect, while also buying or selling them in zYxl's new side shop which only deals in trading cards.

You can also equip more than 3 cards. Along with HP and TP, you can also increase your card slots when you level up. Different cards will cost a different number of card slots to equip. Over all I'm hoping this system will allow you to create a character that feels unique with a wide variety of card types. There are already 20+ cards in the rework so far.

The last thing I want to talk about is the character creator. I'd like to expand the options in it, but more importantly, at the current time the different classes are just aesthetic, there's no difference between them. I'm currently working on making each class feel unique. As for what expansions are coming to the character creator, I cannot promise anything. But I do keep an eye out to what people say they'd like to see in there as options, and I really love adding options to the character creator.

If you'd like to see this updates as I post them, I try to post something new to social media every week. I'm going to start posting updates on Tuesdays, and a screenshot of the work in progress every Saturday. If you have any questions, let me know! I'm really excited to share everything with you, there's some things I'm trying to keep hidden for the moment until I have something playable, which is really difficult for me to do because I just really want to share everything!

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Bonus: Some of the new trading cards!

Download TeleCollision (Demo)
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