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Bombs and Bullets Update 037 Tech tree refined

Bombs and Bullets
A downloadable game for Windows

:: BnB ::

dev :: Commander Rad

tools :: Love2D, Maya, Blender, Spine, Photoshop, Illustrator, Zeplin

web ::

progress ::

+ UI work continues

+ Sidebar further redesigned and simplified to better utilize available space. Tabs reduced to 5.

+ More complex tabs were moved to a new ledger menu. 

+ All those menus, except for the full-screen map are implemented.

+ The ledger menu will be larger and expandable in future.

+ The tech tree menu is now up and running.

+ The tech tree reads from an Excel spreadsheet so is highly customizable.

+ We've imported fontawesome icons into the game, so there are now a whole bunch of nice little icons available for UI.

+ A "not_found_translation.csv" was added to remind me text fields that I forgot to fill out. Very useful for UI debugging.

+ We can now add borders and stuff around UI elements.

+ The "Live feed" window on the bottom will likely be scrapped. 

- I had wanted to display both unit portraits and kill cams down there, but both are tedious and extraneous.

+ New Music viz released here:

+ YouTube channel soundtrack playlist is here:

+ Version 0.052 released and is available here:

+ Here is the current music playlist for anyone that wants a listen:

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