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Update V0.0.2 and Update plans

[Hololive] Holodefense
A downloadable game for Windows

Hello there.

Since I made this project actually searchable it's had far more views than I expected, so allow me explain my plans for this project a bit before I get to the update notes.

My aim is to produce an update every week on Saturday, so be sure to come back often!

My end goal is to finish the game by the end of summer, meaning it'll be a polished, good-looking game with a story and 6 distinct levels.  (1 for each member of Myth, + a bonus stage.)  Once I get a bit more content and I feel more confident about the game, I plan to actively share it on Discord and maybe twitter.  (Although I've basically never used twitter.)

Depending on how this is recieved and if I have the free time, my plans after Summer might be to work on "expansions" for the game to include more of Hololive, generation by generation, but that's something I plan to fully decide once this is finished.

Lastly, I'm going to plug my own Discord again because I do want people on it, it feels awkward with only a few active members right now, and I can't get good feedback easily.  I discuss what I'm working on, and ask for design ideas like how to add flare to the game.

Onward to the actual update notes!

Update to V0.0.2:  The one with the holodex.

New features:

  • Holodex:  Now you can see descriptions of both friend and foe, and get an idea of where to find what.  It also gives you an idea of what's weak to what.
  • Hidden routes:  I can now hide routes until the enemy's actually going to be using them, meaning you can feel safe in knowing that the enemy is only going to be following the roads you'll expect.
  • Enemy difficulty:  I can now fine tune the max health of each enemy as they're spawned, meaning waves can get harder as time progresses without relying on sheer numbers of enemies.

Changes + Balances:

  • Island level: both those new mechanics are now implemented into the Island level, and the waves have been revised a bit to better match the first level I have planned.  (I've now actually playtested the game to see if it's fun a few times, woo!)
  • Kiara does less damage, and can't insta-kill stuff.  But her projectiles don't explode when their target dies either.
  • Calli does more damage, she's guaranteed solid damage, but unreliable alone.
  • Ame slows more, it's now quite noticable.

My plans for the next week or so are to get a level select screen, gate it so you need to beat a level to unlock the next level, (and therefor I need to MAKE a second level as well.) And to work on tower upgrades.


  • Holodefense 328 MB
    May 28, 2022
Download [Hololive] Holodefense
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