Posted May 28, 2022 by piccolomago
Hi, I'm Stefano Terranova (yes I'm italian) and I'm currently developing a game called The factory.
The factory is a top-down action platformer game.
I start this game with a simple idea, collecting crystals.
Then I added: obstacles to the goal of collecting crystals, a death counter, a time counter, a score and I throw everything in to stages.
There are mainly four types of obstacles:
Since the game was build around the concept of collecting I make another three types of collectables, the green crystal, the key and the stagegoal the generator.
A haven't yet implemented this functionality but what are this collectable for?
Now I'm in a state were I would like to get feedback to understand what direction this game should get, so please if you would like to play the game, play it and leave me some feedback.