is community of indie game creators and players


Preparing for V.1

The Dark After Dawn
A downloadable game

Pre-Dev is underway and anyone who may have seen Twitter; might (maybe) have noticed that we some Artists doing various commsions to get V.1 underway.  I have been working on the charector sheet while my creative director (who keeps me in check and on target) decided to play around with smoothing out some attributes and essence. While the Art includes four of the enemies whos Stat blocks will appear in the main book.  

Moving towards V.1 will be an important step however to get the ball rolling; in the interim we will be looking to working on a minimlaist quick start rules to introduce people to the game.  This will include a 1 page rule book and a charector sheet  which will be avaible by itself shortly.  

In the meantime; please watch this space as we will soon begin doing more indepth updates and looking at specfic systems and concpets that will appear in the final editions and throughout the lifecycle of The Dark After Dawn.  

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