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What tags are included in Her Heart's Desire?

Her Heart's Desire Free Demo
A downloadable game for Windows, macOS, and Linux

The tag list of what's included and what's been planned has been in the game description since I launched the page here, but after a question today, I wanted to make it clear. If the tag isn't in the current game description it won't be added to the game at all. There are only a few more updates (plan is end of Summer, 2022 to finish, including the various endings) until the game is done, and it just wouldn't make sense to randomly add something at the end which wasn't planned from the beginning.

To prevent confusion, I did remove a comment and updated the game description. It's a lot faster to read that than it is to download and then try to figure out what's included (or what's planned) than it is to take a moment. Cheers folks.

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