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Devlog 10 : Release

Plug and Play
A downloadable game

Devlog 10

We are finally at the end of the road! We went a long way from a prototype, but now have a fully polished game.
In this last devlog we will go over all the elements we added to make our game feel way more fun and exciting. Main focus has been on player feedback through vfx and sound.


There is a new station vfx that changes when a player takes/gives energy.
Also new vfx on the station are cones that get activated when players get close to a transfer point. 
Lastly for the stations, the smoke vfx is now colour coded and decreases/increases in size based on the stations energy.

There is now a hit effect when the projectile hits a player.
Also the projectile now has a small trail to indicate that it is active and dangerous. It also nicely shows the bouncing path which helps players to see how it works.

Another important effect that has been added is a circle at the bottom of the players which indicates the cooldown on firing. This not only helps yourself to know when you can shoot again but also shows others whether you are a threat or easy target.


Some more sounds have been added and every one has been polished to the max.


Ui has been adjusted/polished for clearer menus, for instance all text (also in game) now has a nice font and colour. 
There is also a title menu that gives a nice preview of the art style before playing.
The HUD in game has been slapped on a sprite and is now at the top of the screen.
Also the energy bar of the players/stations now turns red if it starts to get low.


Some post-processing effects have been added to make the game pop even more.


  • 65 MB
    May 22, 2022
Download Plug and Play
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