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[Group12] Dumpster Fire
A downloadable game for Windows

With the final week of polishing behind us, the game is now officially finished and released.

It was a long journey to get to where we are now. We had a very rocky start, back when our game concept was completely different, but had to completely rework it when it proved too frustrating. We had to work with Perforce and Hack N Plan for the first time, and this proved to bring some difficulties with it. However, it also shows how far we have come from the beginning of this project. We learned to work as a group and to split up tasks more efficiently. 

This final week we mainly reworked art that was already present, but that we were not happy with. The main menu has gotten a major overhaul, now using image renders of 3D props as a main menu. This fits into the game's style much better. The controls page was also tweaked: the 2D art of the controller was reworked onto a metal plate with random debris. Transitioning between screens is now smoother with big metals doors that close and open to mask the switch. Most sounds have been remade to sound clearer. The UI of the progress bars were removed; the progress can now be tracked by a 3D gauge on top of the incinerators. This makes it easier to see this vital info, and integrates it into the game better. The game now properly starts with a new feedback ring system, showing that players need to stand on the button to start the game.  Victory and lose animations play at the end of the game, and a 'return to menu' button is now available.

Unfortunately, some features didn't make it into the final build. We were going to have a hints screen during the level loading transition, special items would have a custom highlighting border, walking sounds, taunting animations... However, all the essential features we planned have been implented, so it isn't a big loss.

Overall, we are happy with how everything turned out, and we hope that you will try out Dumpster Fire.

Have fun and goodbye!


  • 225 MB
    May 21, 2022
Download [Group12] Dumpster Fire
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