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It's not Alice from Alice in Wonderland

Alice in Abyss
A downloadable game for Windows

Alice has been a character floating around in my head for years. I saw her in one of my weird, incoherent dreams one night and then she kept appearing every few months. I've wanted to use her for a project for a long time and this game has been thrown around and started several times as well. So I want to say this up front. She is not Alice from Alice in Wonderland.

Now I know the comparisons are obvious but I've never actually seen or read the story, I only know bits and pieces. I know they both are blonde girls in blue dresses who have fallen into another world. That's where the similarities end to my knowledge. Alice in Abyss is planned to be a much darker story than what I can imagine Alice in Wonderland is. I hope the finished product will stand for itself and the Wonderland comparisons can end.

That being said, I feel the urge to include a nod to Alice in Wonderland after all of the coincidences. We'll see in the end.

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