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May 2022 release 1 (22.05_01)

Darskerry Redemption
A downloadable game for Windows

The first May release sees a number of back end changes and enhancements, as well as a couple of new, cool features. The addition of collectables and the new Quest Spawner component means I can give purpose and reward to quests, and start to introduce "progression" in the game. New weapons and weapon models allow variation and progression, and look really cool! As ever, feedback is most welcome, and you can get involved on my Discord:

Bug fixes

  • Re-added colliders to barrels, creates and some other scenery objects.
  • Fixed issue where interior volume wasn't being triggered, resulting in interiors being darker than intended.
  • Fixed animal and creature walk and run speeds, in line with their animations.
  • Fixed mismatched fonts across UI elements.
  • Fixed inconsistent button UI highlight / select elements.
  • Fixed issue where character limbs would spin when game paused while holding a bow or sword.
  • Fixed issue where spawn trigger was fired by non-player collider.

New features / enhancements

  • "Collectibles" feature - players can now collect items and have them added to their inventory. This includes "physical" collectable models that can be spawned as part of Quests or other triggers.
  • "Quest Spawner" - I've created a new component that will spawn "Quest Targets" from triggers in quests and NPC dialogue. This supports "collectable" items currently but will be expanded to "kill" quests, and other quest types.
  • Enhanced the "Talk to Ivan" quest, to include more branching dialogue and the spawning and collection of the sword weapon as part of the quest objectives.
  • Added "Enable Gore" and "Can Harm Animals" as options to make the game more accessible to a broader player base.
  • Added "Light shafts" display option, turning this off will improve performance on lower-end systems.
  • Added water colliders in rivers - this is a "work in progress" as I aim to balance performance and effort against the need for water interaction.
  • Added some scenery and items of interest around the player's home.
  • Update the "Credits" with current assets and authors, important in my mind to give credit where it is due!


  • Update of TVE to 6.4.2.
  • Update Invector to 2.6.2.
  • Update Invector FSM AI to 1.1.8.
  • Update Unity to 2021.3.2f1.
  • Complete refactor of "Options" code, significant reduction in code and complexity.
  • Refactor of "Scroller" code, consolidating into a single component script.

Known Issues

  • I'm still awaiting a fix to the screen corruption issue with non-native monitor resolution, caused by the Enviro plugin. There is a "workaround" for now, which is to turn off the "Light Shafts" feature in the display settings.
  • Player character seems to "hover" over the path terrain.
  • Rain causes strange effects on interior room textures.
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