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Ukraine vs. OrcZ
A browser game made in HTML5

0.18.2 -> 0.18.3


  • Previously existing special abilities buttons are now removed. These abilities will now trigger automatically whenever an enemy unit reaches the left side of the screen. This will happen once per unit type. For example, the first time an infantry unit (soldier or spy) reaches the left side of the screen, Wali will trigger and kill all the infantry units on the screen. The reason for this change is that I felt it was too easy to clear out large waves without allowing them to inflict damage onto the defenders. Following the change, the players will still have a safety net, but will need to focus on rebuilding the defenses should it happen to get invoked. (I hope to add new manual abilities in the future updates, which will compliment new planned game mechanics.)

Bug Fixes:

  • Spy planes were not affected by the Ghost of Kyiv.
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