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Devlog #8: Production Sprint 2 end

C.A.R - Car Arena Rumble
A downloadable game for Windows


Greetings! The last week of production sprint 2 has now ended! Now we shall start on the polish sprint.
The polish sprint will take 2 weeks, starting today!
What we did this sprint week:
A lot of implementations of last week that did not make the original build were applied. Implementations include: decals, meshes, textures for the car icons, particles and the animation for the menus.

Game Design

We put a lot of the materials we made this week and last week into the map and cars. The intended final map for the game will not make the build, as it is still in the making. We currently have a stand-in map which will be shown with some stage hazards and the extra mod-part called the mine-dropper.

Art development

Our artists continued working on creating icons, meshes, materials, particle effects, animation for the bouncy-spring and lighting.
As per usual, certain elements will not make it into the build.
Issues that were fixed:
- Post processing performance issues.
- Minor FX tweaks.
- Fixed general scaling and rotation issues of meshes. 

Programming Development

Implemented features:
- Bouncy spring as a stage hazard, which pushes cars away from it when they come too close.
- New mod-part called the mine-dropper, which drops 3 mines.
Fixes and reworks:
- Rework of the player join visuals to get rid of the rotation issues.
- Fixed some bugs in the car mod manager.
- Fixed a bug where the wrong player would be announced as the winner and in the end screen.
- Fixed a bug where the battering ram would be able to knock back the user as well.
- Refined the normal launch attack, so that it is smoother and stops faster.

Sound Development

This week, many members of our group have started working on the sound for the game, but sadly, none of it will make the build this week. We are working on: 
- Background music. 
- Car Engine sounds.
- Car collision sounds.
- Victory screen music.
- Car falling sound.
- Bouncy spring sound.
- Battering-ram sound.


  • CarArenaRumble-v0.8 47 MB
    May 09, 2022
Download C.A.R - Car Arena Rumble
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