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Update 1.0.2: Movement and Room Overhaul!

A downloadable game for Windows and Linux

First off I want to thank everybody who has already played the game and given feedback! I had a good deal to work with, and didn't think I'd get this update out before Minijam 105's rating period was over, but development has going surprisingly smoothly. If you haven't left a rating, yet, I would really appreciate it if you took the time to do so.

The main things in this update are the movement changes and room connection changes. The movement changes should give Obbo some more friction and make a lot of the platforming much less frustrating. Additionally, how long you hold jump now determines jump height. The room connections have pretty much been sorted out. No more going through a room transition and ending up in the middle of a room! This should amount to it being easier to mentally map out the levels, even if there are some non-Euclidean connections happening.

Importantly, with the movement, there is the following experimental change. I don't know how much I like this change. It and other movement changes are gonna be subject change. Feedback welcome everywhere, but I'm especially looking at it for this.

Jumping in the opposite direction from where you are currently going will instantly give you a burst of speed in that direction

If you want to pick through the full list of changes, here you are:

Gameplay Updates

  • Removed BS spikes next to a room spawn
  • Added a new ‘Orb’ enemy. You’ll currently only encounter them in two of the new rooms.
  • To prevent Ground Pounds on enemies still sometimes hurting you, successfully Ground Pounding an enemy now gives a very brief period of immunity (0.25 seconds to be exact).
  • Added 3 new rooms, two with coins.
  • Several levels have had tweaks to their geometry.
    • Removed a one way drop
    • Removed headbonking in the coin room with lots of spikes (sidenote: new movement makes this room much more manageable)
    • Cleared up the left side of the split room; Removed an annoying bat there as well.
    • Lowered a 3x1 platform in one of the coin rooms - it was one tile too high to jump to from most places.
    • Lowered a 1x1 platform in the coin room with the bullet dodging section, same reason as above.
  • Tweaked movement variables
    • Acceleration increased: 80 >> 100
    • Base Jump Strength reduced: 110 >> 75
    • Deacceleration increased: 120 >> 150
    • You can now hold jump to reach what was the jump height in the last patch
    • Jumping in the opposite direction from where you are currently going will instantly give you a burst of speed in that direction

Audio/Visual Updates

  • Added Trees
  • Slight change to Weak Ground sprite so it looks better when isolated
  • Added new music tracks ‘Quiet Night’ and ‘Lullaby’ (the original theme is called ‘Courage’ by the way)
  • Title now undulates
  • Obbo is no longer mid jump on the title screen and instead in the idle animation.
  • You now make the ‘step’ sound when landing, even if you aren’t running
  • Added a counter to keep track of how many coins you have collected this run will appear upon picking up a coin.
  • Tweaked the shade of yellow for the ‘firefly’ particles (that indicate a room contains a coin) to be the same color as coins.

Other Changes

  • You can no longer get hit while dead, meaning you won’t be repeatedly bounced around when dying in spikes.
  • Pressing any button no longer starts the game, now press jump. 
  • Upon launching the game, you will have to wait for the “Start” prompt to appear before you can start. (Returning to the main menu, you will still be able to skip the opening)
  • You can now be in awe of Blorbo
  • Added a ‘back’ keybind (escape on keyboard, ‘select’ on controllers). Back on the main menu closes the game. In game, back returns you to the main menu.
  • Room Connection logic has had a major overhaul
    • Linkages between rooms shouldn’t randomly break/override existing connections
    • Ground Pounding Totems will now send you to a random room but will NOT reset existing linkages.
    • You should no longer get sent to a room’s spawn point upon entering it. (This was a result of the game using a connection in that room that didn’t exist. That issue is now resolved)
    • Fair warning, there may still be edge cases in which one of the above does not apply. As always, if you encounter something strange, let me know (and try to keep screenshots of any crash reports and such)
    • If you end up going through a connection and it sends you back to the spawn point of the room you are in, that means that there are no available connections left of the correct type. This shouldn’t happen, but if it does that’s why.


  • Version 1.0.2 ( 26 MB
    May 05, 2022
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