is community of indie game creators and players


Known Issues

A downloadable game for Windows


  • When using abilities near NPC characters there's a chance you can start attacking them. This doesn't interfere with anything, they can't be actually killed.
  • Game goes to black after finishing demo.
  • Return button in "Settings" Doesn't actually return. You can use the X button at the top right to do the same thing.
  • You can progress between scenes without picking up the quests (please don't do this at the moment)


  • Health Potions purchased from the shop keeper in the Teran Inn that are slotted into your action bar will NOT carry over into the next scene. Please keep that in your normal inventory, then slot them after the transition. This is an issue with how I've pre-loaded the abilities onto the action bar, and will get fixed in a later update when skill trees come into the game!
  • Some weird issue with attacking, sometimes you'll get locked up in a weird state between attacking and not attacking. Using an ability will fix this issue.
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