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1st Update brings AP Economy changes, Custom NewGame+, Guide & plenty bug fixes!

The Dorm Is Yours!
A downloadable TheDormIsYours! for Windows, macOS, and Linux

//03.05.2022 - May 3rd, 2022

1. Custom NewGame+: Now you can carry any Day 29+ savefile progress over for your new game. You can specify what you want to carry over.
2. Guide for how to progress.
3. Action Point (AP) economy: AP gets now only consumed if player had success at work. Every new time skip recovers +1AP.
4. Work rewards are changed.
5. Quick Menu accessable with Keyboard keys (ESC, Left Ctrl, Return and Num Enter) for computer mice that don't have a MMB.
6. Yes-No question if you want to skip cutscene before one plays out.
7. Increased Player Name length from 8 up to 16.

Bugs fixed:
1. Camera problem resulting in player moving in wrong direction after spinning camera wildly around for a while or when entering a room while camera either looks up from near ground or down from above player.
2. Player auto time-skipped when doing work while having 0 action points/losing all action points.
3. Small portion of Lust never got added after each time skip.
4. Items not applying it's effect correctly.
5. Wrong amount of Lust points are given when begging/coaxing.
6. Losing an AP when failing a coax request.
7. Opening Quick Menu while running result in player just running away out of sight
8. Can't switch selection of what to interact between closet, mage & work if they're close to each other.
9. Walking through fish tanks.
10. Giving gifts didn't consume AP as it said.
11. Word Buff Item didn't work as intended.
12. Various minor things


  • DM&M v1.0.1
    May 03, 2022
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