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Devlog 07: Finalizing The Level

Bikin' Ice
A downloadable game for Windows

Finalized level

Our level layout is now final! After much trial and error trying to get it just right, we feel we have created a level that fits well in our game.

New UI

The UI got a make-over, although not finalized,  the items the players have obtained are now visible via a sprite. The coins now also have a neat little sprite next to them.

Scene update!

The scene has been updated! The beach is a bit smaller now, just a little space left to rest up from battle before you continue to wreck your frenemies! The small bridge has been removed and is replaced with what will be a beautifull fountain. Paths have been made more straight and the whole scene got a downscale to make the battle more intense, so ready yourselves!

Coin update!

The coins got a better design with a nice border and an ice cream icon that comes out of the coin instead of being inside the coin, check it out!

Coins drop!

Victory screen (WIP)

A victory screen has been added, when the game timer is done, the screen automatically fades to the victory screen. 

It shows all the characters on a pedestal. For now they don't have color, but the player with the highest coins' corresponding character will be displayed on the highest pedestal (the second player on the second pedestal, and so on...)

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